"Москва - как много в этом звуке для сердца русского слилось..." - А.С. Пушкин
Я люблю этот прекрасный город с его многовековой историей, с удивительной атмосферой гостеприимства.
Это город драйва и удивительных возможностей, быстрого темпа и скорости; город, в котором есть множество великолепных парков, красивейших скверов, уютных кафешек и ресторанов на любой вкус.
А для любителей музеев - здесь просто раздолье!
Кто в Москве не бывал, красоты не видал.

About me
A passion for exploration and an adventurous spirit are at the core of my philosophy. We offer multiple formats of tour activities and develop trips to new destinations, previously unseen by tourists. Join a group or contact us to develop your personalized path.
Interpreting and translating services
I specialize in arranging privately tailored and most popular group tours in Moscow as well as translating & interpreting services, business & media projects, cases connected to design, construction, IT, yoga, some cultural projects. I make deep research getting ready for each project, familiarize myself with the details about the target audience, etc - everything that is required by the client. Take into consideration the requirements of the client and his partners.
— Master-classes
— Business meetings
— Wedding ceremonies
— Yoga seminars
— Public events
— Private tour-guide service
My personal skills
  • Native Russian with fluent English, German, and Ukrainian.
  • Have a wide clients base and experience in different spheres of translating and interpreting.
  • Compose different types of tours according to your client's requests.
  • As a rule I work with my creative team nevertheless early reservations are very much appreciated.
  • Responsible for tour service product quality compelling and persuasive content and private tours for your family or company are possible as well as group excursions for your convenience.
My best cases:
During my 15 years of experience in translating, interpreting as well as a tour guide, I have been worked with private projects and big commercial corporations such as Intourist and Vodokhod, Marriott and Raytheon.
I live in Moscow, Russia and communicate with people and companies all over the world. Contact me for your private or group tour.
Phone: +79035158344
E-mail: ross.mriya@gmail.com
Skype: Evgenia1818
Fishermen on Moskwa-River in Serebryany Bor
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